We are currently working on a new renewable energy source known as Satellite Power. We have the first component drawn ready for mobile phones. Only Costic Studio have the rights to using this method of renewable energy. 

Well are still in development of the eneger source seeking partnership with NASA so we can connect with the satellite.

We are currently working on developing this language learning game known as Costic Learn. This game will teach you new words in pronunciation and spelling. Use your cards to battle each other with the characters you win each time you spell or say the words correctly. Every two weeks a new set of cards are released, increasing the game's vocabulary. You can even get cards in a foreign language as long as the game player known as teacher speaks that language.

Buy a custom made garden window and improve the insulation levels of your home. Plus increase your oxygen levels.

This is more affordable than a property with land or an allotment. However the price will vary depending on the window you wants to convert. 

We are currently working on a new push bike design that will have content electricity to power head light, tail lights, brakes down lights and indicators for front and back. We have the concept drawing and working on the development for the market.

We are currently working on getting three charity start ups. Homelessness Never, Always Pay and Shanty Evo. This charities will be founded by a new payment network called Charity Pay. 

We are working on the connections to allow it to work these charity projects and the problems they face.

We are currently in the development of twelve courses start from level one to twelve. These course will give you a high understanding on the process of turning empty land into cities or smaller like a village. All courses develop on these skills: research, reading, reference & citations, creativity, writing for textbooks also analysing information. These are the main developed skills but there are others. 

Each assignment will state which skills are used and developed