Costic Studio Charity gains money through a new network payment system like Mastercard, Visa... This payment system is call Charity Pay and it covers the costs for defeating slavery, homelessness and shanty towns. This is how the payment works. Every time you spend money there will be a £5.00 charge. This charge is broken down into parts and they are: £1 to Homeless Never, £1 for Always Pay, £1 for Shanty No More, £1 for company growth and Finally £1 employee payment.

Here at Homeless Never we aim to provide company bedrooms for thoughs that are homeless. We offer a contact address so banks and anyone of importance,  can be in touch with them. We will offer them a job for life if they choose or until they get back on there feet. We can't currently do this but it is in are agenders.

Here at Alway Pay we aim to pay everyone that are gaining work experience. There are a lot of people that have been in a 2 or more week of slavery. They don't agree to work in charity, there not on an apprenticeship, there not in employment or internship which is similar to apprenticeships. There in slavery, part of the experience of work is getting paid. We will work along side with the government of education so we can make this work.

Here at Shanty No More we aim on defeating the poor living conditions of shanty towns, we plan on working with Tom's one for one, give me tap and many more. We have not found a shanty town yet.  However just to point out we are still young and still a start up. We have not borrowed money yet.